Footscray Hospital
Footscray Hospital
Transitioning from tender to delivery for the Footscray Hospital project.

26 April, 2023
The Victorian Government has invested $1.5 billion to deliver a new Footscray Hospital in Melbourne’s West. The new hospital will support the increasing demand of Melbourne’s western suburb populations and ensure families can access health care closer to home.
Plenary Health engaged Struber to design, develop, and produce the Communications and Community Relations Plan as well coordinate and deliver stakeholder engagement during the RFP phase.
Struber was able to bring prior knowledge of tendering and RFP engagement techniques and methods together and deliver a community-informed Communications and Community Relations Plan. While positioning Plenary Health as a desired consortium who truly understands the community and health sector.
Following the RFP phase, Struber was subsequently engaged to establish community engagement and communication activities during the first 100 days of the project. Struber used our tried-and-tested approach to develop and implement processes, communication collateral, early engagement and a door knock in readiness for contract award and construction.
Struber hit the ground running and was immediately embedded within the delivery team as the community relations and communications lead. Struber’s task was to implement the right strategies, processes and systems to raise the project’s profile amongst the community and industry, in time for the rapidly approaching Financial Close.
"Struber provided a great result for the bid and the project's mobilisation phase".
Chris Whitefield - Corporate Affairs Manager
Image credit: Victorian Health Building Authority