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DionApr 16, 2020 2:00:00 PM1 min read

Nine quick ways leaders can move to a culture of experimentation

How are you managing your projects?

How are you connecting with your team?

The massive disruption both internationally and locally to your stakeholders at this moment can be daunting. At Struber, experimentation, innovation, creativity and collaboration are big part of our DNA. To adapt, we are now a completely virtual team and we love being in this realm!

Here is our 9 quick points to help you move to a culture of experimentation:

  1. Commit to adopting a stakeholder experimentation approach to finding opportunities to engage, inform, educate and mobilise them for joint success.
  2. Don’t guess…. Call your stakeholders on the phone and ask them what's important to them? What are they spending their time thinking on or doing? Record the data.
  3. Don’t assume… Call frontline staff that interface with your stakeholders to understand what they see as important to stakeholders? What do they believe stakeholders are spending their time thinking on or doing? Record the data.
  4. Run a team brainstorming session on a collaboration tool like Teams, WebEx or Zoom. Pool together your findings and agree on new ways to engage stakeholders either through new channels or new creative campaigns.
  5. Select your first experiment and start with a small mission. Set a goal.
  6. Involve your frontline and colleagues that interface in stakeholders to participate and contribute.
  7. Be agile. Reduce risk. Run this small experiment with small groups of stakeholders within a few days or within the week. Test, reflect on the data, refine the campaign and repeat.
  8. Learn and measure to get better. Use data to optimise the next experiment and prove that the idea can work before investing more resources. Analyse.
  9. As you continue this culture of experimentation you can introduce the concept of A/B or split testing which is about running 2 versions of the same campaign, but each is slightly different. The campaign that has better success becomes the next base version from which you will run further A/B testing.

If you’re struggling with these and you need help with the experimentation, engage Struber! Best of luck to your team.