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JulieApr 16, 2020 2:00:00 PM1 min read

Four top tips to keep your team a step ahead of the game each week

Are you in control? There’s a big week ahead and you need to have your teams focus.

Here are four top tips to keep your team a step ahead of the game each week:
  • Schedule your team. Just like any great Project / Program Manager or Scheduler, you need to break down that big mission into bite-sized chunks, tasks and activities and get them out to the team.
  • Use metric tracker. I suggest you work on some sort of visible tracker like KPI dashboard which can be done simply in Excel, using more sophisticated project management software, or you can create a Trello board. Use that cool free app and start tracking who’s doing what by when.
  • Keep everyone focused on what’s important. Once you’ve broken down the mission, keep everyone focused, avoid adding distracting and non-prioritised tasks to peoples to do list. It’s important that everyone can mobilise around activity and feel that sense of achievement at the end of every week.  
  • Keep in touch with your team. Make sure you keep up the touch points, chats on teams’ phone calls, but at the same time give people some head space to do what you asked them to do. It’s important that we have set start and finish times and that we know that we’re getting activity every day. I suggest a meeting free day to make sure that people can focus and deliver outcomes for you.