Five positioning tips to enhance your brand
31 January, 2021
“Start by knowing what you want and who you are, build credibility around it and deliver it online in a compelling way.” - Krista Neher
Have you enhanced your brand yet?
We’re off to a great and hopeful start of the year and this could be the best time to refresh your brand.
Branding is critical to a business and changes how stakeholders perceive one’s brand, service, product, project and company.
Not sure where to start?
Over the years, Struber has built a strong portfolio of branding projects – from establishing one’s brand voice, identifying one’s brand values up to creating one’s brand direction through visuals we can definitely help. We love hearing stories and we love narrating them through compelling visuals. Aided with the right digital tools that suit your needs, we can also deliver it online in a riveting manner.
Let’s take it from a Marketing and leadership expert Seth Godin:
“A brand is the set of expectations, memories, stories and relationships that, taken together, account for a consumer’s decision to choose one product or service over another.”
Let’s connect, resonate and build lasting relationships with your stakeholders.