Blog Post by Demi
What I’ve learnt in the last two years - a consultant’s perspective
Since March 2020, when COVID-19 was declared a pandemic by the World Health Organisation (WHO), Australians have been working from home more than ever.
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Three key infrastructure challenges and opportunities unique to engaging communities in QLD
The rapid growth of Queensland comes with challenges and opportunities. One of the key players shaping our state is the construction sector – the second-largest employer in the state with 245,100 people employed in the industry in 2019-20, which contributed $27.3 billion (8.1% of total output) to Queensland’s economy in that same year, making it the State’s third-largest sector.
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Three great tips to easily communicate and engage with stakeholders
When someone’s home is their castle, how can project leaders create the neighbourly relationships they need to keep construction programs on track? You’ve just been assigned as Project Manager to a multi-million-dollar construction project. Your project involves property acquisitions and building condition surveys. You’ll need to the meet with the owners to facilitate these discussions, and some are more than likely to be emotional.
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